Our Logo

VNR Logo is the identity of our core agriculture activities

The symbol at the heart of the logo is a sapling born from a seed. It represents the act of farming and nurturing life.

The next element in the logo is the means by which this nurturing is enabled — a drop of water, which represents the all important tool without which farming is unimaginable — irrigation.

And finally, the flowering which leads to the yield – the final outcome of a farmer’s untiring efforts. In short, the understanding of the life of a kisan which only VNR, essentially a family of farmers, can achieve.

I would like to share the experience I had while making the logo of VNR, during my college days in Allahabad – 1963. I was given the role of an editor for Rashtra Bhasha Parishad magazine named as – “Mrittika” so I first designed its logo and it was a thoughtful experience. Later on, being the founder president, I also got an opportunity to design the logo of “Navin Beej Utpadak Sahakari Samiti Maryadit” a non-profit farmer welfare society started with motive of providing different quality agriculture inputs to the farmers at affordable prices.

So, during inception of VNR Seeds, the logo was conceptualized with following thoughts in mind:

  • The outer line of the logo is a flower which denotes – “Plant Breeding”, “Research & Innovation”

  • Inside Flower, there is a drop of water which indicates ‘Adaptation of new technology of drip irrigation’ which is a vital technology in Modern Horticulture, during those days it brought revolutionary changes in Indian Agriculture

  • There is a plant in drop of water which indicates Hi-tech farming with Drip Irrigation

  • Beneath the flower, VNR is written which means “Vegetable N Rice” – In Chhattisgarh the staple food is Rice which is grown all across the state and Vegetables are also given equal importance in daily diet as in general day-to-day conversation the greeting usually starts in local language with – “का साग खाए हस” (that means: which vegetable you had in your meals?). Hence both Rice and Vegetables have been the two foundation pillars during inception.