Evaluation, Training, Recommendation

Product Testing, Product Knowledge Training and Product Recommendations

We conduct trials and testing of research released products in the farmers fields. Cultivation & operations are managed by farmers – this is to ensure that our upcoming/pipeline products perform as per their potential at farmers field.
As part of rigorous testing process, trials of products are conducted for a period 2 years. Post evaluation and selection, products are then advanced to next level where they are planted as “On Farm Demonstrations” in large plots. Extensive feedback is collected from visiting farmers and once approved, the product is taken up for commercialization with a confidence to satisfy the needs of our fellow farmers.

To improve productivity and extend our services, we undertake following activities:

  • Study current practices adapted at farmer field
  • Work on optimizing nurseries
  • Recommend spacing as per plant type
  • Suggestions on Plant/vine growth development
  • Fertilizer application methods, splits and dosages
  • Managing pests, disease and insects
  • Advisory on handling various plant stresses
  • Train farmer with new interventions in agriculture
  • Provide advisory services for improving productivity
  • Recommend new tested innovations

Product development team conducts regular product and crop management training for front line sales employees – covering features and benefits of the products. The front line staff are trained to educate and guide farmers in selection of right products as per their need and also help farmers in getting best yield by adapting good cultivation practices.

The Product Development team conduct crop seminars, farmer meetings and interaction activities where they address farmer needs, expectations and concerns about specific crop and focus areas.

Apart from testing of products at farmer field – Product Development team also coordinate and arrange to conduct trials with State Agriculture Universities (SAUs) with an aim to benchmark our products with the checks. It is doubly ensured that research offering goes to farmers. Testing with Government ensures it is screened before reaching farmers.
As an organization, we actively participate in governments sponsored productivity improvement and crop shift programs by providing products to target farmers and extend our advisory services.

PD Activities

PD Centers

Product Development Activities – Glimpses